Tuesday, April 23, 2013

We Are All One. Be Happy As You Are. Now Get Back To Work.

I saw the best minds of my generation ... spend thousands of hours reading new age / self-help books.

Okay, so maybe that is how they got to be the best minds of my generation but who can say for sure.  I must have assumed that these books had a positive affect on them because I have since bought and read several of the same books, skimmed over their libraries, listened to the audiobooks of several major authors on the subjects of self-actualization, motivation, new age wellness, perception, zen and neurolinguistic programming.  Not all of these books truly clicked for me but eventually I came to the following conclusions:

1. We are One; interconnected and interwoven in the dance of life, an expression of the Universal Consciousness.

2. Life is to be Enjoyed; rejoice in what IS and accept the harshness that sometimes occurs despite the natural inclination to wish for a lack of pain; it, too, is a part of this cosmic dance.

3. Most of these authors are greedy as hell!

Oh, no, he didn't?  Oh, yes, I did!

If there is one thing the world needs more than ever, and I think there is, it is for every living human to be given free and easy access to points number 1 and 2 above.  In no uncertain terms, these concepts should be given out freely like flouride in public schools and tap water.

Sorry, back on topic.  What a better world we could have if more people were at least aware of these concepts.  I'm not sure who said it best; George Carlin or Bill Hicks; but, apparently, they were both enlightened and both feel as though the freedom from many of the myriad societal ills is, in fact, the realization that we (all life) are one (one consciousness).  Is every stand-up comic really an enlightened zen master?

So what if?  What if the authors of these books of enlightenment, new age philosophy, self-help, self-actualization and wellness finally said "You know what, fuck the money, I'll just give the message out for free" and then actually did it?

How would the murder rate look?

How about the number of starving people on the planet?

What good could come of it?

A metric fuckton.

But I can find no record of any such author ever taking the leap and printing their work and distributing gratis to the poor.  Samuel Smiles, who wrote the book 'Self-Help' and self-published in 1859, spoke on behalf of the poor and rallied for their representation as an author and in his capacity as a politician.  Yet, no known pamphlet form of Smiles' self-help texts were ever found.  Okay, so publishing wasn't as easy in the era of Samuel Smiles, but what about our contemporary authors?  Don't they have access to printers?

Okay, so they have websites.  Do all the poor people in the world have the internet?  Don't you have to search for these things?  Wouldn't you have to be looking for Eckhart Tolle to find Eckhart Tolle (or does he show up when you google 'How to make more money' or 'Why am I always angry?'.

I am calling out all my favorite self-help authors; if you believe in your work then publish and donate in a concise and portable form.  Not instead of, but in addition to, your already bestselling books.  I, for my part, will contribute.

I've read enough self-help books.  I've been around.  I've seen enough stand-up.  I am ready!  I will write the first all-purpose working class self-help book designed for the working-class.  Yes, I will sell it and, yes, I hope to make a fuckton of money on it!  The point is, I will take my profits and produce a streamlined, tri-fold version to mail out to people who need it and give to the public for free.  I ask all the famous authors who read my blog to consider to do the same.

While I have your attention, my several literary friends, I think I need to reiterate what I mentioned in the title.  If you are not willing to distribute your message free to the public then why not make the title a concise version of the message instead of a base enticement.  'The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People' could have helped millions more people had it been titled 'Plan, Prioritize, Synergize and Stay Positive!' and many people would have never had to read or purchase the book. 'The Secret' isn't a secret, 'Positive Thinking Brings Positive Results' is the new title.

So, you think these poor authors will go broke when no one buys their books?  They will be fine.  One author who generally does exactly what I am talking about, at least in the realm of Self-Help is Stuart Wilde.  Wilde does have the various new age books with aloof titles such as 'The Quickening' (which I thoroughly enjoyed).  His two biggest self-help titles:  'The Trick to Money is Having Some' and 'Life Was Never Meant to be a Struggle' (technically, these are also New Age books but the titles themselves are totally Self-Help).    

Now, as for my upcoming Self-Help authorial debut, I am debating between several subjects.  I think it may come down to one of the following; 'Quit Freaking Out about Dumb Shit: A Guide to Getting the Fuck Over Yourself' and 'Be Careful What You Say, You May Believe It: Stories We Don't Realize We Tell Ourselves'.  I am leaning towards the first one for now.  Either way, I will make sure the people who need the message will get it, as long as they look at the cover.

P.S. Remind me to delete this blog post before I go shopping for a publisher.